Julia and Kami playing with tricks. Kami knows how to smile, touch, grab, give and step up. She had concerns about some toys that made unexpected noises: a jingle bell toy, a shiny, metallic, crinkly space blanket and a red ball that squeaked when grabbed. Watch how Julia and Kami overcame Kami’s concerns about these toys through patience and rewarding each try. Tricks are fun for horse and human and create a great bond between you. The music of Mary Ann Kennedy is used with the permission of the artist.
Beach Ride with Robin – October 2016
Robin and I took a weekend ride on the beach at Crescent City, Oregon with her two mares: Reba and Shiloh. It was a magical, healing time. Music: When You Carry Me and Trail Less Traveled by Mary Ann Kennedy is used with the permission of the artist. Enjoy!
Nadja’s 2016 Mystic Ranch Vacation – Sept 2016
We were lucky to have our Nadja come back from Germany to spend two weeks with us at Mystic Ranch. She played with Tessa on the ground and Diann was kind enough to let her ride her Taxi. This video highlights the ground play, liberty, trail rides, and exploring the wonderful things she could do with Taxi. Music by Mary Ann Kennedy is used with the permission of the artist.
Play Time at Mystic Ranch – Sept 2016
The autumn weather has been perfect for horse play – at liberty in the trail course, riding the trails, doing drill riding, playing with Kami at liberty off of another horse, jumping cavaletti, riding bridle-less in the arena and pasture and through the pond. What fun! Music by Mary Ann Kennedy is used with the permission of the artist.
Hannah Does Liberty with Kami on Trail – August 2016
Hannah came out for a lesson today. She rode Mystic on trail, with Kami running free with us. At first Kami ignored Hannah, leading the way on the trail or coming back to me to smile and get scratched. She finally found Hannah and the two of them connected together – at liberty, in a large space, with only love to bind them. It was magical. “Mares” and “Heart in your Hands” by Mary Ann Kennedy are perfect for this video and are used with the permission of the artist.
Lindsey Playing with Kami – August 2016
Lindsey came out for a ride with Mystic and invited Kami to join them. There is something magical about having Kami along on a trail ride. With all that space, green grass and distractions, you have to be honored when she says she wants to be with you. Sometimes she leads, sometimes she follows, but when she syncs up with you and gives you her trademark “smile,” your heart will melt. The only part she hates is heading home, ending her fun time on the trail. She blocked Mystic for a couple of minutes before reluctantly concluding that her adventure was over …. until the next time! “Horses and Life” is the perfect background music and is written by Mary Ann Kennedy and used with the permission of the artist.
Hannah’s First Trail Ride with Kami
Chansonette’s Lesson with Kami
Hannah’s Lesson with Kami
Play Date Fun June 2016
We had a play date last Sunday at the ranch. It was a hot day, but the trail course was a cool place to watch the horses play together and then play with them ourselves. Before breaking for a potluck lunch, we converged on the pond and the horses had a blast, splashing and even lying down in the water. We went inside to cool off in the air conditioning, ate a refreshing cold potluck and talked full time horse! Later, I had a lovely trail ride with Terry next door and Laura did some really nice liberty play with Kami in the trail course. Enjoy!