We had a lovely play date at the ranch last Saturday. Normally, the August heat would have been draining, but this time we took advantage of the heat to play in our well fed irrigation pond. Horses and humans found the water refreshing on a hot day. What a fun way to beat the heat. And I finally found a way I can jump on my horse bareback – just get her into the water where I’m partially floating! Piece of cake.
We also did some liberty play in the arena. Erik connected with Deb’s mustang and had him doing stick to me as though they were best of friends. Cynthia’s new mare NahKee didn’t have much connection with her at the first. Rather than using pressure to keep NahKee with her at liberty, Cynthia took all the pressure off and allowed her mare the time she needed to find her. It was beautiful watching the mare’s expression change as she initially sought comfort from the other horses in the arena – being gently sent away, hiding inside herself for a bit and then seeking out Cynthia with licks and chews and nuzzles for her human friend.
Oh, I almost forgot, that is Cynthia’s mare who is lying down in the pond with so much enjoyment.
Here is a short video of some of the day’s highlights. Hope you enjoy it: