On April 20, 2007, our 6 year old Paso Fino mare, Tori, gave birth to her first foal. The filly is a stunning smokey buckskin color, with black mane, tail, dorsal strip and lower legs, three white stocks and a star on her forehead. We have named her La Maia de Mistico or Maia for short. Maia in Greek mythology was a goddess, the eldest of the Pleiades and is also the “brightest star” in the Pleiades constellation. Maia is certainly the brightest star of our herd of Paso Finos. Maia is now a yearling and plays the seven games of natural horsemanship, hands you her hooves, ties, leads, loads in a trailer and will pony like a pro. With imprinting and natural horsemanship it is amazing how far and how fast you can bring along a young horse.
Meet Maia – Born April 20, 2007
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