This video is in memory of Jackson, Terry’s pinto Tennessee Walking Horse gelding.
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The Joys of a Nonridden Horse – Sept 2017
Riding horses is fun, but more people are discovering the joys of the non ridden horse. Here are some ideas of what you can do with your “pasture ornaments” and some inkling of the joy horses and humans have together, even when you aren’t sitting on their back. Music by Mary Ann Kennedy is used with the permission of the artist.
Julia’s 2017 Ranch Visit – Sept 2017
This video highlights Julia’s adventures in Oregon during her 2017 visit. From liberty play with horses to trail rides at Givan Ranch, Willow Prairie, and Crescent Beach, riding bareback and with the neck string in the pasture, long lining Mystic, doing drill riding, learning Hand & Foot, going clothes shopping with Ron and getting a MacBook Pro for graduation, we packed a lot of fun and joy into 3 weeks before Julia headed back to Germany. Music by Mary Ann Kennedy is used with permission of the artist.
Liberty Magic – June 2017
This video shows the magic of horses at liberty: running free in their pasture, Taxi running free alongside Mystic on a trail ride or Mystic choosing to do liberty in the arena after a trail ride and being long lined off of Tori. It is only by setting your horse free that you can experience the joy of having your horse choose you. Music by Mary Ann Kennedy is used with permission of the artist.
Pasture Paradise – June 2017
I went out to watch the horses enjoying their pasture turnouts this morning. Tori decided to lie down and let me lie down with her while she grazed. Most of the herd was in the belly deep Spring grass in the woods, while Sandor and Tanna were in the main pasture. It was a short but perfect interlude. “Horses and Life” by Mary Ann Kennedy is the perfect background and is used with permission of the artist.
Long Lining & Liberty Play – May 2017
I hopped on Tori and long lined Mystic this evening, then turned him loose and he stayed to do some liberty with us. What a gift these horses are to me! Heart in Your Hands by Mary Ann Kennedy is perfect for this video and used with the permission of the artist.
Horse Heaven with Chansonette – May 2017
This video captures a slice of horse heaven, from morning turnouts in the pasture, running free, to a trail ride with Chansonette and Kami running free with us, grazing in belly deep Spring grass and volunteering liberty with us. “Liberty” by Mary Ann Kennedy is perfect for this video and is used with the permission of the artist.
Diann Riding Bridleless
This is a video of Diann riding Taxi bridleless, first in the arena and then for the first time, in the pasture. You can not force a horse with a neck string. All you can do is build such trust that the horse chooses to follow your body language. Easy enough to do in an arena, where the horse has few distractions. Harder in the pasture with Spring grass and your horse’s pasture mate enjoying grazing while you have to work. By building in some grazing time for Taxi, Taxi is willing to leave the grass and flow with Diann. Beautiful! “When You Carry Me” by Mary Ann Kennedy is the perfect music for this clip and is used with the permission of the artist.
Mystic Ranch Springtime Fun – May 2017
A Springtime day at Mystic Ranch, from beautiful pasture turnouts, running in for breakfast, a boy connecting with a dog, trail rides with Kami running free and riding bareback in the pasture. Music by Mary Ann Kennedy is used with the permission of the artist.
Lori’s Ride on Mystic
Diann’s sister, Lori, came out for a ride on Mystic today. After what feels like non stop rain, we even got a little sunshine to brighten our ride. The Rhythm of the Ride by Mary Ann Kennedy is used with the permission of the artist.