Anne’s On Line Audition – Passed Level 3+ – May 2013

Anne-Maia-On-Line-Audition-2013Anne Frankowski and Maia, our 6 year old Paso Fino mare, doing their Parelli Level 3 On-Line Audition at Mystic Paso Fino Ranch. Anne Frankowski received an email from Parelli July 26, 2013 saying that she passed her Level 3 On-Line Audition. She received Level 4 ratings for her Friendly game and Squeeze game (that amazing liberty trailer loading from 80 feet away), with 3++ ratings for her relationship and driving game. Congratulations to Anne and Maia! Music by Mary Ann Kennedy used with the permission of the artist.

Soul of the Horse – April 2013

If you love the soul of a horse, then you love the things that bring them joy and the magical harmony that comes of fitting into their world. Sit back and enjoy the beautiful horses of Mystic Ranch enjoying their life.  The music of Mary Ann Kennedy, used with her permission, is a perfect accompaniment to this video.

JCHA in 2013 Pear Blossom Parade – April 2013

Anne-Maia-Pear-Blossom-2013Anne and Maia ride with the Jackson County Horseman’s Association in the 2013 Pear Blossom Parade.  It was the first time either Anne or Maia were in a parade and they handled it like Pros!  The video uses “I Wish I Had A Horse” by Mary Ann Kennedy. Music used with permission of the artist.

Anne’s Spring Horse Trip to the Coast – March 2013

Anne-Maia-beach-Spring-2013Horse adventures at the Pacific Ocean. Join Jackie Decker, Anne Frankowski and Katie Schuessler on a trail ride through pines and dunes, walk and ride down the beach and through the waves set to the magical music of Mary Ann Kennedy: Heart in Your Hand, Horses & Life and When You Carry Me. Music used with the permission of the artist.

Play Date at Ranch – Oct 2012

Oct-2012-playdate-pondWe had a delightful play date at the ranch today.  It started out damp, but the rain held off and the sun broke through before lunch, giving us a perfect Autumn day.

We played on line in pairs – one person with her horse, the other as observer, coach and cheerleader, as horse and human played with obstacles in the arena.  It is easier to see where communication is going wrong if you aren’t in the middle of something and great to get positive feedback when a little change in communication makes a big change in your horse’s response.  We spent an hour or more checking out what worked and what still caused the horses concerns. People helping each other, having fun and all for the good of the horse.

When horses and humans were moving together in trust, we then turned individual horses loose in the arena to play at liberty with their owners with the rest of the group discouraging the horse from looking for comfort away from their owner.  What a study in contrasts!  Debbie’s Gabe is an exuberant LBE with a strong bond to Debbie.  Grace’s Casper’s is an LBI with lower energy, but still hooked up with Grace.  Laurie’s Smidge demonstrated a lovely soft connection with Laurie as they danced, weaving cones, walking and stopping together.  Sahara, Maia and Tiara all found the multiple people and horses quite intimidating and took quite a long time to find their human, but what a beautiful thing it was to see the horse realize that safety and peace was to be found with their human.  Great examples of taking the time it takes and doing what the horse needs to build rapport and trust with your horse.  Loved it!

We broke for a potluck lunch, had lots of horse talk and then went back out to play with some basics of teaching your horse to ride with just the string around their neck.  First step is making sure that the horse understands and responds to your body language and reins when you never take the slack out of the rein.  If that is in place, then it is all about making it clear to your horse what each gesture means, asking softly, clearly and waiting to reward that smallest try.

Smidge had finished up his 30 days of schooling and was heading home with Laurie.  Before he left, Laurie rode him in the pasture and into the pond.  No leaps into the pond, unless you count the leap of faith of horse and human in each other.  Smidge entered the pond quietly and equally relaxed watched Gabe splash his heart out.

All in all, a very good day.

Trail ride at Denman – September 2012

Smidge-DenmanWe took Tori, Maia and Smidge out to Denman on Sunday.

Smidge is a darling Paso Fino gelding who is here to gain a little courage and soften his reining and leg yields.  He has completely won my heart.  His first reaction to our pond was doubt and he entered the pond the first few times with a huge leap.  Perhaps he was trying to jump over it?  I have been riding him at the ranch and introducing him to our neighbor’s cows, llamas and goats.  I took him to Denman with the thought of testing out his courage on the trail and seeing how he did with Little Butte Creek.  Smidge was awesome!  He led the way when I asked and only paused a couple of times when he lost confidence, with the tiniest of spooks in place when a bird took off from the nearby brush.  While he was the last to enter Little Butte Creek, he walked in and by the third water entry, had gained enough relaxation to join in the splashing and take a drink.  What a great little horse Laurie has in him!

Anne rode Maia, Katie rode Tori, Donna was on her Torfi and we were joined by Anna on her Lucas.  The day was hot, but the creekside trail was cool, and beautiful.  A lovely outing.